Guiccioli Palace
APP, Audio visual installationsInside the prestigious Palazzo Guiccioli, inextricably linked to the cultural and political events of nineteenth-century Ravenna, stands the Museo del Risorgimento, which offers visitors an overview of Italian and Ravenna historical and political events between the Restoration and the end of the nineteenth century.
The Museum, inspired by George Gordon Byron, recounts the English poet’s stay in Ravenna and his love story with Teresa Gamba, the young bride of Alessandro Guiccioli. A life experience narrated through Byron’s works and the memories zealously preserved by Teresa
Engineering Associates has:
– curated the installation of the interactive and multimedia displays
– designed and implemented the APP that functions as an audio guide that allows you, as you move through the rooms of the palace, to listen to the stories being told. In addition, by framing QRCodes you can discover the stories behind the objects on display.
Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna Foundation
Studio Azzurro
Palazzo Guiccioli – Ravenna
From November 2024