
Sharing, knowing, interacting and remembering

Video Immersion

Immersive projections that surround and engage

Interactive Tables

Touch tables or sensitive walls for entertaining and communicating

Sonic Environment

Sounds, vibrations, images for an immersive environment

Web Site

Online platform for visitors

Magic Mirror

Mirroring oneself in the works to become part of them

Daisy Backstage

Platform to feature continuous new multimedia content in Daisy APP
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Daisy APP

App to enrich visitors' sensory experience with up-to-date multimedia content
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And much more

Plenty of physical and virtual interaction with all objects in the museum

Integrated system

OpenYourMuseum is a project that aims to develop new tools for the enjoyment of the historical and artistic heritage in museums.
The tools identified make it possible to improve and extend the visitor experience by stimulating new forms of participation and promoting a multisensory experience. Experiences that can also be relived outside the doors of the museum itself. In this way, the sensory experience and interaction with the exhibits creates an intellectual emotional connection in the visitor and amplifies the impressions received by the visitor.
It favours the sharing of the experience through social networks by proposing a cross-comparison between people.

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